Israel to participate in Vibrant Gujarat 2015

Vibrant Israel in Vibrant Gujarat 2015

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    Agri Minister Yair Shamir participates in Vibrant Gujarat15 Agri Minister Yair Shamir participates in Vibrant Gujarat15
    Minister of Agriculture of Israel, Mr. Yair Shamir, in Vibrant Gujarat 2015
    Gandhinagar, January 12, 2015: Israel's Agriculture Minister Yair Shamir concluded a two day visit to Vibrant Gujarat 2015 together with a distinguished delegation of Israeli companies.
    During his visit, Minister Shamir met Prime Minister of India, Narendra Modi, in Mahatma Mandir in Gandhinagar and discussed with him the strong relations between the two countries in various fields. The Indian premier recalled during the meeting his visit to Israel in 2006 and his impression from the Israeli capabilities in the field of agriculture and food security.
    Minister Shamir participated on Sunday as the key note speaker at the Theme Seminar titled "Innovation and Technology in Food Processing for Sustaining Food Security" and shared Israel’s experience in this field.
    During the summit, Minister Shamir also met with Minister of State for Agriculture of India, H.E Mohanbhai Kalyanjibhai Kundariya and together they reviewed the Joint Agriculture Project implemented by MASHAV, MIDH and various states across India.
    During the meeting, Israel and India had signed on a joint declaration "the Indo-Israel Agricultural Cooperation Project entering its third phase" in order to extend the existing cooperation.
    The IIAP is an outcome of two joint Action Plans under the framework of the Agreement of Cooperation in Agriculture between India and Israel, signed in January 2008 and second-extended at 2011. The Ministers acknowledged the importance of completing the establishment and activation of all 29 Centers of Excellence in 10 states defined in the second phase of the project and the need to establish new Centers within existing clusters in additional States.  The purpose of those Centers is to introduce Israeli technology adapted to the local conditions and requirements of each state in region, in order to increase the productivity of the local farmers.
    The Ministers also recognized the importance of the need to extend the existing cooperation and include new technologies such as Post Harvest Management, good agricultural practices, dairy production and Water for Agriculture.
    The Israeli minister also visited one of those Centers of Excellence in Vadrad Village in the district of Sabarkantha, Gujarat and received a comprehensive tour and explanation from the Indian staff of the Center of Excellence on the work being done in the center.
    Some of the Israeli companies that participated in this summit are Naandan Jain, ARI Optimal Flow Solutions, Palgey Maim, ABZagri, Eshet Eilon, Bermad, Match Genetics, Netafim, Afimilk, Amiad Water Systems, IDE Technologies, Ayala, Arad Group, Dorot Matholding Group, Aqwise, EnerT, Ormat, Elbit Systems, Opgal, Adama, Rivulis Irrigation, Ginegar, BioBee, Top Greenhouses, Stepac, NRGene, SCR, Galcon, Watergen, Aeronautics.
    Minister Shamir also met H.E. Harsimrat Kaur Badal, Union Cabinet Minister of Food Processing Industries and discussed possible ways to extend the fruitful cooperation between Israel and India in food security. H.E. Harsimrat Kaur Badal also visited the Israeli Pavilion and was able to see first-hand and experience some of Israeli technologies in water and agriculture exhibited there.
    On Monday, Israel conducted a country seminar focusing on Water Recycling, Irrigation Panel, Post-Harvest Management and Dairy with the participation of the Israeli companies and dozens of Indian and foreign companies.
    Israel's Country Pavilion at the summit entitled "I4 - Israel Innovation In India" focusing on agriculture, water and homeland security is also open for the public.
    Visitors are welcome to the Israeli pavilion at Hall 10 – C 9, Mahatma Mandir, Gandhinagar.
    Israel to open centres of excellence for farmers in India
    Monday, January 12, 2015
    Vibrant Israel in Vibrant Gujarat 2015 
    Gandhinagar: Israel's Agriculture Minister Yair Shamir has announced that his country will open centres of excellence for farmers in India to encourage research in agriculture sector.
    Shamir told media here on the sidelines of the 7th Vibrant Gujarat Global Summit-2015 that these centres will be opened in Haryana, Maharashtra, Punjab, Rajasthan, Uttar Pradesh, Bihar and West Bengal.
    Shamir said Israel has accepted Prime Minister Narendra Modi's appeal for ushering a white revolution in India and added that Israel wants to help India combat hunger and provide ample food security.
    According to a recent Embassy of Israel release, Israel is a world leader in advanced agriculture technologies.
    Israel's success lies in the determination and ingenuity of farmers and scientists, and in the close cooperation between research and development and industry.
    These characteristics have created a flourishing agriculture sector amidst a difficult environment with limited ground and water resources.
    Amongst the many fields in which Israel and India collaborate, agriculture has always been front and centre.
    This cooperation includes structured interactions between governments, experts and most important - farmers. This comprises of bilateral sharing of knowledge and technologies, establishment of centres of excellence in various agriculture sectors across India, exchange visits of experts and farmers and Post-doctoral scholarships for Indian agriculture researchers in Israel.
    This cooperation, based on proper adaptation, implementation and assimilation of Israeli agro-technologies and extension procedures, is taking a significant part in India's Second Green Revolution.
    All of the above activities focus on implementation and assimilation of the latest agricultural practices and techniques used in Israel today, including:
    Use of marginal, saline and recycled water for irrigation
    Implementation of advanced micro irrigation and fertigation methods to maximize yield and save water
    Development of proper nursery standards for production of disease-free seedlings of vegetables and orchards
    Use of protected cultivation which allows growing out of season increases yield and decreases pesticide use.
    Intensification and improvement of productivity of horticultural crops by controlling drainage, plant protection and canopy management, introduction of new varieties, hybrid seeds and new rootstock.
    Post harvest technologies which allow longer shelf life and promise higher quality of fresh produce.
    In accordance with the Agriculture Cooperation Agreement signed between the two countries in 2008, and with the three year work plan finalized between the Ministries of Agriculture of India and Israel in 2011, Indo-Israel agriculture cooperation projects are in various stages of implementation in 10 states across India:
    Haryana - Two Centres of Excellence are fully operational - one for vegetables in Gharaunda, Karnal and one for fruits in Mangiana, Sirsa. Following the success of these centres, the government of Haryana has already announced its intention to establish numerous similar centres across the state.
    Maharashtra - Work is being done to establish three Centres of Excellence - a citrus Centre in Nagpur, a pomegranate Centre in Rahuri, a Kaisar mango Centre in Aurangabad and an Alphonso mango Centre in Dapoli.
    Tamil Nadu - A Centre of Excellence for vegetables is planned in Dindigul and a Centre of Excellence for flowers is planned in Krishnagiri.
    Rajasthan - A Centre of Excellence for pomegranate is being built in Bassi, as well as a Centre of Excellence for vegetables. Two more Centres are planned for citrus in Kota and for dates in Jaisalmer.
    Punjab - Two Centres of Excellence will be inaugurated this year. A Centre of Excellence for citrus in Hoshiyapur and a Centre of Excellence for vegetables in Jalandar.
    Gujarat - Two Centres of Excellence are planned to be established: one for mango in Junagadh and one for vegetables in Vadrad.
    Karnataka - Three initial plans for the establishment of Centres of Excellence are discussed: one for mango in Kolar, one for pomegranate in Bagalkot and one for vegetables in Belgaum.
    In addition, work is underway to establish an agriculture cooperation project in UP, West Bengal and Bihar.
    The above mentioned projects are conducted by the following organizations:
    On the Israeli side: The Embassy of Israel in New Delhi, MASHAV - Israel's Agency for International Development Cooperation at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs; and CINADCO - The Centre for International Agricultural Development Cooperation within the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development
    On the Indian side: National Horticulture Mission, National Horticulture Board and Indian States Horticulture departments.


    Israel to participate in Vibrant Gujarat 2015

    January 9, 2015
    Israel's Agriculture Minister Yair Shamir will lead the Israeli delegation to the seventh edition of the upcoming Vibrant Gujarat Summit. Minister Shamir will be accompanied by  a delegation consisting of Mr. Gil Haskel, Head of Mashav, Israel’s Agency of International Development Cooperation, officials from the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development and representatives from  various Israeli companies.
    Israel’s participation in Vibrant Gujarat will include a National Pavilion and Israel Country Seminar dedicated to Water Recycling, Irrigation Panel, Post-Harvest Management and Dairy that will take place on Monday, the 12th of January.
    Minister Shamir will be the Key Note speaker in the Theme Seminar "Innovation and Technology in Food Processing for Sustaining Food Security".
    During Vibrant Gujarat 2015, Israel and India will sign on extending the Indo-Israel Agricultural Cooperation program.  In the current 3 year work plan, Israel and India are in the process of establishing 29 Centers of Excellence for agriculture in 10 Indian states including Gujarat. This extension of the agreement is a testament of the growing and vibrant relations between the two countries and will be undertaken by MASHAV on behalf of Israel and the Mission for Integrated Development of Horticulture (MIDH) on behalf of India.
    Minister Shamir will visit one of the Indo-Israel Centers of Excellence for vegetables in Vadrad, Sabarkantha in Gujarat.
    Israel's Country Pavilion at the summit entitled "I4 - Israel Innovation in India" will focus on agriculture, water and homeland security. Israel will showcase “success stories” on the governmental and business cooperation between both countries in various fields, in India in general and specifically in Gujarat.
    Ambassador Carmon remarked that "Vibrant Gujarat 2015 is a fantastic venue to showcase Vibrant Israel's success stories in India, first and foremost in Gujarat. Our aim is to repeat this success in many other states across India."
    Further details on Israel's Participation in Vibrant Gujarat:
    In Agriculture, the Pavilion will exhibit the Indo-Israel Agriculture Project and the Centers of Excellence that had been set up or are in the process of setting in, aimed at increasing productivity of the Indian farmer. Advanced technologies already implemented in India such as drip irrigation, polyhouses, sophisticated water management and control systems. In Dairy, Israel will showcase advanced methods to increase milk productivity of cows. In water, various Israeli water technologies being used in India will be presented. In HLS, Israel will present some of the most cutting edge technologies aimed at making our cities safer.
    Some of the Israeli companies participating in this summit are Naandan Jain, ARI Optimal Flow Solutions, Palgey Maim, ABZagri, Eshet Eilon, Bermad, Match Genetics, Netafim, Afimilk, Amiad Water Systems, IDE Technologies, Ayala, Arad Group, Dorot Matholding Group, Aqwise, EnerT, Ormat, Elbit Systems, Opgal, Adama, Rivulis Irrigation, Ginegar, BioBee, Top Greenhouses, Stepac, NRGene, SCR, Galcon, Watergen, Aeronautics.
    Gujarat  and Israel share much in common, from having arid land and the challenge of water scarcity, to being vibrant and a hub of innovation and entrepreneurship. The ongoing mutual endeavors between Israel and Gujarat include projects in agriculture, industrial research and development, solar and thermal power, pharmaceuticals, infrastructure, water recycling and water desalination plants. Netafim - World's largest drip irrigation company is headquartered (in India) in Vadodara and many farmers in the state are benefiting from the use of Israeli techniques.  
    Israel has for long played a major role in the water sector, evolving from a nation of limited natural resources to a significant player in global sustainability. Israeli government and companies have worked together to effectively handle and maximize these limited water resources. This holistic approach has resulted in considerable innovation and advancement in the field of water management. Israel, also has considerable experience in the field of water desalination. Israeli companies have developed a range of innovative technologies geared to maximizing desalination efficiency.
    Israel is a world leader in advanced agriculture technologies. Israeli companies have been for many years at the forefront of the agriculture and food security solutions worldwide. These companies, that are participating in Vibrant Gujarat, have extensive experience in utilizing limited resources and increasing productivity in arid and semi-arid land.
    Israel’s biggest agriculture cooperation project overseas - Indo-Israel Agriculture Project -  is led by MASHAV, Israel's agency for international development Cooperation. The current phase of Indo-Israel Agriculture Project is aimed at setting up 29 Centers in 10 states. The goal of this project is to increase crop diversity, increase productivity and increase resources use efficiency. MASHAV, is responsible for the design, coordination and implementation of Israel's development cooperation programs. MASHAV focuses on Human capacity building and Training the Trainers as the best way to achieve maximum impact and sustainable growth. The stakeholders include MASHAV and the Embassy of Israel on the Israeli side and the State governments and MIDH on the Indian side.
    Israel is a leading force in today’s HLS market. Israeli technology is both sophisticated and innovative, and is considered to be among the best in the world. 
    Visitors are welcome to the Israeli pavilion at Hall 10 – C 9, Mahatma Mandir, Gandhinagar.
    For any queries on the Israeli participation in Vibrant Gujarat, please contact Ohad Horsandi, Spokesman, Embassy of Israel, New Delhi; Mob: +91-9650988266; Email:
    The spokesman will also be available to answer your queries at the Israeli pavilion in Vibrant Gujarat.

    December 24, 2014

    AHMEDABAD: Israel's Agriculture Minister Yair Shamir will participate in the seventh edition of the upcoming Vibrant Gujarat Summit in India and is likely to sign a deal on extending the agriculture co-operation between the two nations.  

    "Our Agriculture minister Mr Yair Shamir will come here to participate in the Vibrant Gujarat Summit along with a delegation of 11 representatives of various companies," spokesperson of Israel Embassy Ohad Horsandi told the media.

    "He will sign a tri-lateral deal on behalf of Israel with Indian agriculture ministry and MASHAV (Israeli's agency for international development cooperation) for the second phase of the three-year cooperation between the two countries in the agriculture sector," he said.  
    "In the first phase of agriculture cooperation which is ongoing between the two countries on a large scale, Israel has established research centres for cooperation in 10 Indian states including Gujarat," the spokesperson said.
    Israel with its very low rainfall, has carved a niche in its agriculture sector productivity with judicious use of water. According to Horsandi, there are some 300 companies in that tiny country which can offer cutting-edge technology for the upliftment of Indian agriculture, which is stuck at the growth rate between 2 and 3 per cent year on year.  
    "Our focus in this Summit which is going to be the biggest ever, is on agriculture, water and home land security and counter terrorism," he said.  
    Earlier, the state government had announced that UN Secretary-General Ban Ki Moon and US defence secretary John Kerry will also be participating in the Summit to be held between 11 and 13 January. 
    Prime Minister Narendra Modi, who had been organising such bi-lateral summits when he was the Chief Minister of the state, will inaugurate it.
  • Vibrant Israel in Vibrant Gujarat15
